Sunday, November 23, 2008

Henry is 6 months!

 I can't believe that our little one is already 6 months.  Wow how time flies.  I can't believe that it has been that long since we were in Virginia wondering what it would be like to have four kids and be graduated from dental school.  Of course the pregnancy with Henry wasn't the greatest.  Which one of my kids has been?  But at least it wasn't my worst either.  I remember when I found out that we were having our fourth child and that it was going to be another boy.  I has so many mixed emotions, but of course now that we have Henry I wouldn't change anything.  It was also so fun being pregnant at the same time as so many other people in our ward, especially having Brinley Saunders(a friend from dental school) being due so close to me.  Our babies are only three days apart, we had the same Dr., and we were in the hospital at the same time.  It made it a lot easier when we had to stay behind in Richmond after everyone else left.  (Thanks guys!)
Henry is such a good baby!  Truly a blessing when it is the fourth.  He is always so happy and smiley.  The only times that he cries is when he has a good reason for it.  He just lights up our day.  If he is just sitting there playing or whatever and you walk past and look at him, the second he sees you he just gets a huge grin on his face and you can't help but smile.  It makes me feel so special!  Ever since he was born I would move my eyebrows at him (like raising them up and down) and he has always done it back to me.  It is so cute.  He also loves to sing!  And he has the sweetest little voice.  I'm sure the love of singing was probably helped along by our late nights of playing Rock Band when I was pregnant.  And he does this cute high pitched squeal when he wants your attention.  He isn't crawling yet, which I am actually grateful for.  He does roll all over the place though.  He is starting to sit up and I am sure he will be sitting and crawling very soon.  No teeth yet, but he sure loves chewing on everything.  I am so grateful that he is our little boy.  I can tell already that he is destined to be great (even if it is just in our eyes).  He has such a sweet and strong spirit about him.    I love you Henry, thanks for being part of our family.

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