Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Dad

Well, on Wednesday I got a call from my sister saying that my Dad had had a stroke the night before.  My mom wasn't sure if that is what it was, so she called my brother, Matt and brother-in-law, Sean to come over and give him a blessing.  Then that morning she took him into the ER because his doctor couldn't see him that day.  Which is a good thing I would think.  Anyway, so they kept him over night last night, and I am thinking that he will be there again tonight.  They did a lot of tests on him and said that it was only a very minor stroke.  So we got blessed.  His face on his left side is drooping, so he talks a little funny.  His left arm isn't working right.  And his left leg isn't working either so he can't walk.  But my Mom did say that he was already doing some better today.  He was talking a bit better, and could actually kind of move and feel his leg a little.  So I am thankful for that.  There was a little brain damage, but we aren't sure to what extent.  It seems like it was a part of his brain that had to do with technical stuff.  When it was happening he couldn't figure out how to turn the bathroom light on that was the turn knob and not just the flip switch.  So that was pretty hard on me because my Dad has always been so smart with technical stuff and could figure pretty much anything out.
Stuff like this really makes you realize how fragile life is and how much we take each other for granted.  And makes me think how much I don't really like living so far away from Utah.  I wish that I could have just hopped in the car and gone to my parents.  Or that I could even be there right now to be with my mom.  And to help them out.  
It also makes me reflect on what an amazing man my Dad is.  He is such a great example to me. He has taught me so much and put up with so much from me.  You know that he has to be a great man to have raised all 10 of us and have us all sealed in the temple.  He is so smart and so spiritual.  I love him so much!  I am so grateful that this wasn't a worse stroke.  
It also helps me realize what wonderful friends I have that care.  Thanks everyone!


kathyurry said...

Today he moved his left leg alot. When we went to take him home he was funny he said just give me a rope tie it on to Becky car and pull me in the wheel chair. Before we got to bring him home today he was jokeing around about a few things a side I have never seen in him. The Dr wants him to come in walking in 2 weeks (hope he can walk) The medical place was to come and bring a bed and a few things I hope a port a potty for him so your Mom does not have to lift him. It was fun to watch Matt, Dave & Chuck get him out of Becky car and up to his room . It took alot out of him for all of this but then he seemed happy to be home and out of the hospital. I just hope your Mom will get help to take him to the restroom, shower etc and not think she has to do itall by her self.

kathyurry said...

There is something ealse I was going to say in the hospital they asked him how many kids he has he told them he has 20 kids. So Dave said yes 10 inlaws and 10 out law he laugh alittle along with Becky, Chuck & Cindy, Your Mom & Regina he was with it 100% he was just being funny aside we never see of him

Brin said...

Oh wow, I am so glad your dad is doing better. It is so hard living away from home when something like that happens because you so badly want to be there to help out. I hope he continues to get better. It's amazing how valuable our lifes are, and it takes something like this to give a reminder of truly how fast things can change. It wouldn't be a bad idea to move back to Utah. He He He! We wouldn't mind seeing you a little. We hope all is well in Ohio.

Jenn said...


I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope he's doing a lot better. We'll be thinking about you guys and praying for you.

Love you,


David and Michelle Christianson said...

Amy, we are so sorry to hear about your dad. It's good to hear that he's doing better. Our thoughts are with you guys!

Hansens said...

Amy, I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but I'm glad he is doing better. I'm sure that your faith and your family's faith has made a lot of difference. And we will pray for him also. And I love their wedding pictures!