Friday, October 10, 2008

Trip to Kirtland

A few Sundays ago we decided to take a drive up to Kirtland. There wasn't a whole lot there. But it was really neat seeing what was there. We also went and saw the Kirtland Temple, that was a little strange. It was just weird going inside and having no real spiritual feeling in there. It was almost a contentious feeling to me. I didn't really like it, but it was fun to see it. Who knows, maybe some day the LDS church will get it back.
This is a couple of replicas of the stands from the
Kirtland temple inside the mill.
Here is a picture outside the door of the school of the prophets where Joseph
Smith got the revelation about the Word of Wisdom.  It was really cool to go in this
room.  We could really feel the Spirit on the whole tour they took us on.
Here are a few of my cuties outside the mill.
Me and Henry outside some house that I can't remember what it was called.
It was used kind of like a hotel.
And here is the whole family in front of the Newel K. Whitney store where the Prophet Joseph Smith walked in and called Newel by name and said, "You have prayed me here, now what would you have me do?" It was really cool going in there, the door and stuff are all original. It was cool walking through the same door that the prophet had walked through. It was a nice little day trip. But I think next time we will make sure that the kids have had a nap before we go. They were a little crazy on the tour, but it was still really neat!

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