Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer fun!

We discovered Tyler really really likes salsa. He was drinking it when we found him.

We found Tyler in the bathtub right after we had just changed his diaper and gotten him all ready for bed. He thought he was pretty funny.
Mike, Henry, and I got to go up to a cabin with out the rest of the kids for a reunion of just my brothers, sisters, our parents, and spouses. It was a lot of fun, it was up in Idaho. We went boating and everything. Henry liked it too. Alyssa trying her hand at playing some music. Too bad that on the way home from Utah she decided that she also wanted to be a beautician. Yep, she cut a ton of her hair off. She is really lucky though that she has curly hair because it hides a lot.
Zach had a lot of fun in Utah, he always go crazy from all the attention.

Henry is growing up so fast! Here he is at 2 months old.

1 comment:

Eliza Uribe said...

Oh my goodness!!! Who is that???